apology messages for friend

Apology Messages for Friend

So you made a mistake and hurt someone through your words, actions, or perhaps even by ignoring them? The good news is that everyone makes errors, and you may earn forgiveness by speaking, sharing, and sending apology messages for friend in the appropriate ways. Because it’s crucial to accept responsibility for your actions and express regret for harmful words, furious arguments, or harsh remarks. For the stupidest of reasons, friendships fall apart and friends leave ways. If your friendship might need some tender loving care, make it right with heartfelt sayings and sweet handwritten apology messages for friend. You see, you have to make sure that the other person is aware of your compassion for your conduct before you seek their forgiveness. Otherwise, asking for forgiveness won’t seem as convincing as you think it will because the other person will think you don’t truly care and are simply trying to get out of it.

Written below are a few apology and sorry messages for friends alongside apology quotes.

Apology Messages for Friend

Even the best of friends have issues sometimes. What you should always remember is that a true and genuine friend will look beyond your mistakes and accept your apology with an open heart. You should use the messages written below to send to your friend to say sorry to them.

  • I’m sorry I caused you any pain. I’m sending you this card with apologies to let you know that I cherish every single aspect of you forever.
  • Since things seem to be going better with you, I’m checking in to see if everything is well again.
  • Hi, I know saying sorry is not enough but I am really sorry from the depth of my heart.
Apology messages for friend
Apology messages for friend
  • You have been an amazing friend to me always, and I am sorry for lying to you. I hope you can forgive me for being so immature about the whole situation.
  • I realized my mistake a bit too late for which I am so sorry.
  • I’m sorry for causing so much harm through my hurtful words. I lose control when angry, but this is no justification for my inappropriate actions. I can’t express how sorry I am.
  • Apologizing is difficult. I hope you can understand that I sincerely apologize. I also hope you would choose our friendship over my stupidity.
  • You are one of the best things that ever happened to me, and I don’t want to lose this bond over a stupid error. Hence I just want to apologize and let you know that I am terribly sorry for what happened.
  • You have a very special place in my heart and I cherish the bond we share. I’m sorry for everything that I did, I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive my foolish mistake.
  • I’m sorry for hurting you, even though it was never my intention.
  • You’re generally the first person I talk to about things like this because I mess up a lot. I am really very sorry, please accept my apology, we can discuss it together and sort everything out.
  • Sorry for making you so late for the event. I know how much you were looking forward to it. I am genuinely sorry.
  • Sorry, dear friend. I’m asking for your forgiveness, but you don’t have to forget anything right now. I’m ashamed of what I did and I’m not sure what motivated me to do such a thing.
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Apology Messages for Friend for Lying

Lying and betrayal are heinous acts. Written below are a few messages to send to your friend when you have lied to them and cause them to be hurt. However, you should think twice before saying sorry and ensure that you will not do it again to them and genuinely apologize. A genuine apology goes a long way.

  • I understand how you are currently feeling because I betrayed the confidence you placed in me. But if you’ll allow me, I’d like to apologize.
Apology messages for friend for lying
Apology messages for friend for lying
  • Dearest friend, It wasn’t even a white lie, I’m afraid. I am very sorry; it was just a silly mistake on my end. Hope you will forgive me.
  • I owe you an apology and I want to ask you for a blank sheet so that we can begin writing a fresh story for us after this entire dumb situation.
  • Sorry for not being able to conversate with you about whatever was happening and sorry for all the lies that I told you to cover up the truth. It was such a silly mistake but I didn’t mean to hurt you at all, hence I ask for an apology dear best friend.
  • I want to demonstrate that you can rely on me for major and minor issues. This is the justification I use to open the door to a sincere relationship. Sorry for my behavior, please forgive me.
  • I apologize that I’m not perfect and that I haven’t been improving. But you’re great, I still have a lot to learn from you. So please forgive me, I’m sorry my dear friend.

Apology Message for Friend for Ghosting

Ghosting someone is very awful but sometimes the circumstances compel you to do so. But when you do realize this, you should immediately ask for forgiveness from your friend and explain to them the reasons to avoid any problems. You should know that a true friend will always understand you.

  • After our enjoyable dates, I wanted to apologize for leaving you hanging. That was childish and unkind of me. I hope all is well with you.
Apology message for friend for ghosting
Apology message for friend for ghosting
  • You deserve a better person. Please pardon my immature response to this. I chose this method because I believed it would be simpler, but it’s simply awful.
  • I apologize for being unable to express how I feel. I’ll talk to you frankly the next time. My apologies, please.
  • Sorry that I stopped responding to your calls and messages. That was very rude of me. I’m very sorry for being a jerk.
  • I’m sorry for not keeping in contact with you after that day. It was very stupid of me not to talk to you. I am sorry for my behavior and I hope you will forgive me.
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Sorry Quotes

The written below sorry quotes are the perfect apology to send to your friend when you have hurt them or upset them.

  • I don’t like it, and I’m sorry I ever had anything to do with it. –  Erwin Schrodinger
  • But you know all about that, being sorry and having no words to say something when you know you should but you just can’t. – Heather Gudenkauf
  • I’m not very good at saying sorry, but I apologize. – Chris Kurtz
Sorry Quotes
Sorry Quotes
  • Forgiveness does not change the past, but it does enlarge the future.” – Paul Boese
  • Proper apologies have three parts: 1) What I did was wrong. 2) I feel bad that I hurt you. 3) How do I make this better? – Randy Pausch
  •  Not admitting a mistake is a bigger mistake. – Robert Half
  • A sincere and warmly-expressed apology can produce the same effects as morphine on a suffering soul.― Richelle E. Goodrich
  •  Mistakes are always forgivable if one has the courage to admit them. – Bruce Lee
  • When you forgive, you free your soul. But when you say I’m sorry, you free two souls. – Donald L. Hicks
  •  I am sorry for what has happened and I know that I need some help. – Susan Smith
  • An apology is a lovely perfume; it can transform the clumsiest moment into a gracious gift.– Margaret Lee Runbeck
  • Never ruin an apology with an excuse. – Benjamin Franklin
  • Apologies aren’t meant to change the past, they are meant to change the future. – Kevin Hancock
  • Saying sorry to someone is hard… but putting your pride down for someone is the hardest. – Cristina Orange

Heartfelt Sorry Messages for a Friend

Friendships fall apart for the silliest reasons. You should ask for forgiveness immediately using the heartfelt sorry messages below to solve any arguments or rifts in your friendship. It is the best apology message which you can even use in an apology letter.

  • I’ve never met someone as sweet and compassionate as you. I am sorry about how I did take you for granted. I just want you to know how truly sorry I am. Please pardon me.
  • I know that it is because of me that you are so upset with me. I am extremely sorry for annoying you.
Heartfelt sorry messages for a friend
Heartfelt sorry messages for a friend
  • I never would hurt you intentionally you know that right? I am sorry my friend for what happened but I assure you that it will never happen again.
  • No one in my life has been a better friend to me than you. Every second I spend with you feels like I’m in heaven. Because I hurt someone really important to me, I am genuinely upset. I am deeply sorry please forgive me.
  • I know that saying sorry is easy, but it is very difficult to be the bigger person and forgive. But know that my apology comes from the heart of someone who is sincerely sorry.
  • I’m sorry for being such a pain and for spreading such a negative vibe around you. Deep down in my heart, I know that you will forgive me for I sincerely apologize.
  • I did not intend to lie, it was just to save our friendship. A best friend will always understand the reasons behind those circumstances. However, I am sorry that I hurt you.
  • I want you to know that I sincerely regret what I did. I pledge to make things up to you as long as you let me because I respect our relationship too much to keep doing stupid things to you. I am sorry for my mistake.
  • I am so sorry you’re so upset because of me. I know what I said was very awful and I hope that you can find it in your heart to forgive me.
  • I know I should have put more faith in you, but I ended up acting in a way I should not, and for that, I am sorry for my behavior.
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Friends are the greatest blessing. They are your chosen family, someone you love not because you have to but because you love them for who they are. You share a life, all the love, laughter, sadness, adventure, deep talks, etc. But when you have hurt your friend or made them upset, you should apologize to your friends and loved ones open-heartedly without feeling like it makes you smaller. At times like that, you should realize that your relationship with your friends matters way more than any argument or issue. You should make sure that they know just how truly you are sorry through your heartfelt apology.

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