Belated Birthday Wishes for sister

Belated Birthday Wishes for Sister

Your sister’s birthday was yesterday, guess you forgot? It’s okay, calm down. We got it all covered for you. Send, a joyful “belated birthday wishes for sister” note to make up for it. It’s better to be late than never, as the old saying goes! Would a sincere apology help your sister feel better or would a humorous wish help keep the mood light? For every circumstance, you’ll find the ideal belated birthday greeting here.

Belated Birthday Wishes for Sister

You might forget to wish your sister a happy birthday. But you should always send her a belated birthday greeting, expressing how much she means to you and your love for her.

Here are some wonderful birthday greetings that will help you with her. so keep on looking!

  • I’m thinking back on all of our enjoyable times and memorable events as I rejoice in your birthday. You are not just my sister; you are also my dearest friend. I’m sorry for being a little late for your birthday wish, forgive me, sweet sister!
  • I’m so sorry for sending you a late congratulations; the most beautiful girl is legal today. I may be the last person to wish you a happy birthday, but I do so nonetheless. You are the world’s best sister. Have lots of birthday celebrations with lots of fun.
  • Dear sister, I am sorry that I did miss your birthday. I’m so depressed and guilty about it. Happy Belated Birthday to the best and most loving sister anyone could ask for. I will always love you.
  • Kind sister, I apologize for being late. wishing you a birthday filled with utmost joy and excitement, wonderful sister.
Belated Birthday Wishes for your Sister
Belated Birthday Wishes for your Sister
  • Happy belated birthday, darling sister. I’m not sure how I missed your birthday. Just keep in mind that you are the most wonderful and sincere sister in the world. Having you by my side makes me feel so fortunate.

Happy Belated Birthday to Sister

It’s possible that you will forget to wish your sister a happy birthday. But you should always wish her a happy birthday after the fact and let her know how much she means to you.

  • whoops, I forgot your birthday, I promise I didn’t mean to my dear sister. you will always have my love, I promise. A very happy belated birthday little sister.
Happy belated birthday for sister
Happy belated birthday for sister
  • I apologize for not being able to wish you in time. Remember that you were the one who always said, “You’ll always be the one arriving late”, so I guess that just came true. Wishing you an amazing belated birthday!
  • a belated happy birthday Lovely sister, I will always love you. I don’t know how I forgot about your birthday so quickly. Due to my extensive workload, I was unable to attend your birthday too. I’m hoping you’ll forgive me!
  • even though my wishes are late, I still adore you dearly and forever. I apologize for not attending your birthday party. Happy belated birthday to my sister!
  • Yesterday, while out with pals, I let myself get carried away. You know I love you; this is the first and last time I’ve forgotten it. I hope you won’t be furious at me! happy belated birthday sister, you are truly the best!
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Happy Belated Birthday Wishes for Elder Sister

Our older sisters serve as our primary mentors. We should be grateful for them, apologize for missing their birthday, and give them a tonne of love and well wishes. Send your lovely sister these wonderful wishes to make it up to her.

  • Forgetting a sister’s birthday is the worst crime one can commit. Big Sister, I apologize for being late. Happy birthday to the most lovely sister in the entire world. Sending you all my love, good wishes, and sincere belated birthday wishes.
  • Dear elder sister I’m sending you a belated holiday gift. I hope you’ll like that one and don’t mind that I forgot your birthday. Happy belated birthday to you, my love. Sending you good wishes and blessings for the upcoming year.
  • Happy birthday to the most beautiful girl in the world who is my big sister! I am sorry if I’m delivering this to you late, but my love and prayers for you are always fresh. I adore you more than anything else.
  • Happy belated birthday to you, my beloved sister. It’s difficult for me to admit that I got late in wishing you a happy birthday, so I’m sending an apology along with this adorable present.
  • You know what, it wasn’t a mistake that I didn’t wish you at the appropriate moment. I did it as a surprise for you; I know you are unhappy with me, but once you see the surprise, you’ll be delighted. Wish you a belated Happy birthday, my dearest sister! 
  • You are the one who constantly supports me in everything that I do. Thanks to your nice words and support, you help me and inspire me. Happy belated birthday, my best friend more than my sissy!
  • Love, the big sister I’m so sorry for the delay; I’m sending you belated birthday greetings along with all the best wishes.
Happy Belated Birthday Wishes for Elder Sister
Happy Belated Birthday Wishes for Elder Sister

Best Belated Birthday Wishes for Younger Sister

Below, you’ll find some beautiful belated birthday wishes for your younger sisters to offer an apology for a late wish.

  • The world’s most flawed brother wishes the best sister a belated happy birthday. I hope you had a good day, full of birthday celebrations and parties.
Best Belated Birthday Wishes for Younger Sister
Best Belated Birthday Wishes for Younger Sister
  • May God provide you with ultimate joy and happiness. I feel guilty for forgetting your birthday, little one. Forgive me, please. Wish you a Happy belated Birthday darling!`
  • It’s not like I ever forget to wish you on time; I just had a birthday party planned for the following day. Happy birthday, sweet sister.
  • I am aware of your sadness, but I promise you the greatest birthday present ever from me. So, now, wait until I get home! Happy Birthday to my dear, little girl!
  • My beloved sister, you will always hold a special place in my heart, and I will always be happy for you. Have a lovely belated happy birthday sister, sending you belated birthday wishes all the way!
  • My beloved sister, you will always hold a special place in my heart, and I will always be happy for you. Have a happy belated birthday, little sister. I feel sorry for being late on your birthday.
  • You don’t know how much since your last birthday I have missed you. it sucks to be able to meet just once a year. but I eternally miss you, little one! Wishing a happy birthday to the most wonderful sister in the world.
  • Happy Birthday to you dear, sorry I missed your birthday party. I owe you an apology. you know how much I love you, sending lots of wishes and love your ways!
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Funny Belated Birthday Wishes for your Sister

A humorous collection of belated birthday wishes adds to more fun and positivity in happy birthday wishes for sister. These birthday quotes are of foremost importance, as they show that you are sorry for the late wish.

Below you will find some fun birthday quotes, which shall light up the mood!

  • I thought of good reasons why I wasn’t able to wish you on time, but I couldn’t come up with any. And the only reason I’m wishing you a happy belated birthday, my charming sister, is because you know how lazy I am. May bright roses be all around you in all seasons!
  • What is that proverb? It’s always better to wish happy birthday than never. I hope your birthday was the best one ever! belated happy birthday sister!
  • Missing your big day is no laughing matter… even if you’re a clown. Happy Belated Birthday! sending all the good wishes your way!
  • I must have been in a fog when your birthday came around… because I mist it. sorry, I forgot your birthday, but now it’s enough for missing your birthdays!
  • I’m sorry I missed your birthday, but the hurt will go away after you see the presents I got you. Birthday wishes your way!
  • Your birthday arrived and then left. Now, here I say happy belated birthday. Hope you have a great birthday!
Funny Belated Birthday wishes for your Sister
Funny Belated Birthday wishes for your Sister

Sharing Belated Birthday Wishes

We are primarily mentored by our sisters. We ought to express our appreciation for them, say we’re sorry for forgetting their birthday and send them our best wishes. It is time to apologize profusely to your lovely sister and send her these heartfelt wishes.

  • Sorry I missed your birthday. How weird is that? That only happens to me once per year. Happy Birthday cute sister.
Sharing belated birthday wishes
Sharing belated birthday wishes
  • I thought I would leave you a while to come to terms with your age before sending your birthday card this year. You’re welcome. Happy Belated Birthday!
  • For failing to notify me of your birthday promptly, I have penalized my diary. What else do you expect of me? Happy Birthday, sweet sister; I will always love you! Hope you get a lovely bunch of belated happy birthday wishes!
  • Apologies for missing your birthday. What a strange thing. I experience that just once a year. Cheers, sweet sister.
  • I figured I’d give you some time to adjust to your age before sending you a card for your birthday this year. Thank you very much. Happy birthday, belatedly!
  • I have docked my diary for failing to promptly inform me of your birthday. What more do you anticipate from me? Happy birthday, sweet sister; you have my undying love. I hope you receive a lovely collection of happy birthday wishes.
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We sincerely hope that sending your sisters belated birthday messages and greetings helped you make up to your incredible and wise sisters. Make sure to convey to your sisters that they are cherished and well-protected by you through these wonderful wishes. Send them the good wishes and love that they deserve for being the best sister in the world.

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