Powerful Morning Prayers for My Family

Powerful Morning Prayers for My Family

As we all know, having a family is one of the greatest blessings given to us by our Father in Heaven. It is only our family members that are truly there for us in our tough times. That’s why a family that prays together, stays together. 

We all wish the very best for our family members. That’s why we have hand-picked some of the most Powerful Morning Prayers for My Family through which you can ask God to keep your family under His heavenly grace. As you begin a new day every morning, you can make an impactful prayer for your family and earn the blessings of the holy spirit. 

Powerful Morning Prayers for My Family Guidance

A family is an underlying unit of any society. Therefore, having a strong family bond with all the members is of key importance. Praying together can truly strengthen this bond. As the saying goes, “The family that prays together stays together”. 

We hope that these prayers help you strengthen that special bond and keep it alive at all times. 

  • Dear God, we ask for your guidance as we shall progress with our lives through this daily prayer. May you always keep us under your protection against all evils and safeguard our bond as we hope to meet each other as we get back home. Amen.”
Powerful Morning Prayers for My Family Guidance
Powerful Morning Prayers for My Family Guidance
  • Oh Almighty lord, give us guidance and wisdom, on this simple morning, and please help us to make the smartest of choices in all aspects of our lives. May we be guided toward the way that you deemed rightful for us and grant us clarity in our thoughts, words, and behavior. Amen.”
Powerful Morning Prayers for My Family Guidance
Powerful Morning Prayers for My Family Guidance
  • “Dear Lord, We thank you for your love and also pray, to guide us to take proper measures to safeguard our home from any intruder or disaster. Let our home be a safe haven for us and be a source to provide shelter to our weary bodies at the end of the day. Amen.”
Powerful Morning Prayers for My Family Guidance
Powerful Morning Prayers for My Family Guidance
  • Oh, my Lord. we pray together, please forgive us and please give guidance us in life to love and care for all humans.  
Powerful Morning Prayers for My Family Guidance
Powerful Morning Prayers for My Family Guidance
  • Oh loving lord, I come to you to ask for guidance in all worldly affairs so that I may make the best of decisions for myself. May you bless me with wisdom. Amen. 

Powerful Morning Prayers for My Family Quotes

We all know that family and friends are valuable to each and every one of us. So use these short morning quotes to show your family and friends what they mean to you. 

  • “Heavenly Father, I stand before you in prayer for the protection of family and friends. May you never let them come in harm’s way and keep them safe and secure in your loving grace. Amen.”
  •  “Oh Almighty lord, I thank you for this morning and ask you to guide my family and friends to make wise decisions in all aspects of their lives. May they choose the path which leads them closer to you and help them find their ultimate purpose in life. Amen. “
Powerful Morning Prayers for My Family Quotes
Powerful Morning Prayers for My Family Quotes
  • “Heavenly God, I pray before you to award my family and friends with peace of heart and mind as they go on with their lives. May they be able to find serenity and bliss even in the smallest of things. Amen. “
Powerful Morning Prayers for My Family Quotes
Powerful Morning Prayers for My Family Quotes
  • “Oh Gracious Lord, as I thank you for this new day, I ask you to allow my family and friends to grow in faith and spirituality. May their bond be strengthened with you. Amen”
Powerful Morning Prayers for My Family Quotes
Powerful Morning Prayers for My Family Quotes
  • “Dear Lord, I pray for myself and my family and put my trust in you to guide us in all aspects of our daily lives. May you remove all the obstacles from our lives that prevent us from reaching out to you. Amen.”
Powerful Morning Prayers for My Family Quotes
Powerful Morning Prayers for My Family Quotes

Short Powerful Morning Prayer for Family

Every morning is an opportunity for us to begin a new day with hopes and aspirations of a better beginning. Therefore, it is better to start your day by saying a short family prayer. For your convenience, we have listed down some short Powerful Morning Prayers for My Family that you can make for your families. 

  • “Dear lord, we come before you with our hearts filled with contentment and gratefulness for all the blessings you have bestowed upon us. Let us start the day with gratitude for your love and grace and never let us take our blessings for granted. Amen.”
Short Powerful Morning Prayer for Family
Short Powerful Morning Prayer for Family
  • “Oh Heavenly Father, we humbly ask for your protection against all sorts of evil, physical or spiritual. Let us remain under the powerful shield of your protection and ward off any sort of harm that may come our way. Amen.”
Short Powerful Morning Prayer for Family
Short Powerful Morning Prayer for Family
  • “Oh Supreme Lord, we together as a family, come before you to ask for forgiveness for all the sins that we may have committed, intentionally or unintentionally. Help us today to make better choices and forsake all the wrongful choices that have made in the past. Amen. “
Short Powerful Morning Prayer for Family
Short Powerful Morning Prayer for Family
  • “Oh loving Father, I thank you for giving us guidance and direction, and start this day by asking you to give my family and friends strength to deal with any sort of misfortune they are faced with. May they stand steadfast and never lose courage and hope in bad times. Amen.”
  • “Heavenly Father, I ask for your unfailing love for me and my family. May you guide us to always start our morning routine by making a powerful prayer to you, asking for your innumerable bounties. Amen.”
Short Powerful Morning Prayer for Family
Short Powerful Morning Prayer for Family

Prayer for Family Peace and Strength

Prayer is a powerful tool that you can use to guide you through all aspects of your daily life. So here are some prayers you can use to start each day with Lord’s name and attain His blessings. 

  • “Father God, we pray with confidence and ask you to give us the strength to face all troubles and hardships in our lives with courage and bravado. May our family always emerge victorious against their everyday battles. Amen.”
Prayer for Family Peace and Strength
Prayer for Family Peace and Strength
  • “Heavenly Father, we make this prayer for our family that you may grant each and every one of us the strength to follow the path that you have chosen for us. May you grant us the fearlessness to stand for what is right even when it’s difficult. Amen.”
  • “Oh Gracious Lord, we extend this prayer of thanksgiving to you and begin this new day by asking to fill our hearts and mind with peace against all sorts of stresses. We make this prayer of praise and ask you to give calmness to our hearts and mind so that we may make the wisest of choices. Amen.”
Prayer for Family Peace and Strength
Prayer for Family Peace and Strength
  • “Heavenly Lord, I pray for healing of me and my family from past wounds that may have been caused intentionally or unintentionally. May you grant us the peace that comes with healing. Amen.”
Prayer for Family Peace and Strength
Prayer for Family Peace and Strength
  • “Oh Supreme Lord, I pray for myself and my family today that you may grant us peace of heart and mind and give us the strength to face all challenges that life throws towards us. Amen.”
See also  Best Healing Prayer for My Son A Blessing for His Strength

Powerful Morning Prayers Before Work

It is always better to start to work with a positive mindset and what could be better than making Powerful Morning Prayers before starting work. So here are some prayers for you to start off your day. 

  • “Dear Loving Father, thank you for blessing with this morning to say a prayer in your name. Thank you for allowing me to perform the work that I will perform as I step out of my home. May you always protect me from any sort of harm that may come my way. Amen.”
Powerful Morning Prayers Before Work
Powerful Morning Prayers Before Work
  • “Oh Gracious Lord, I start my day with your remembrance and pray for guidance in all sorts of matters in all walks of life. As I step out for work, I ask you to keep me and my family safe under your protection. May you help me be a good steward and to sow good things so that I shall reap their rewards. Amen.”
Powerful Morning Prayers Before Work
Powerful Morning Prayers Before Work
  • “Father God, I thank you for granting me this opportunity to work and providing me with sustenance. I make this prayer by expressing my earnest love to you for the provisions you have blessed me with. May I be able to maintain harmony with my colleagues and employer. Amen.”
Powerful Morning Prayers Before Work
Powerful Morning Prayers Before Work
  • “Oh Heavenly Father, I make this prayer to you today before I start my day and step out for work to keep me under your protection and make me more productive in my work so that my employers are satisfied with me. Amen.”
  • “Dear Lord, I make this prayer to you before heading towards work that you always keep me under your protection and bless me with life so that when I wake up tomorrow again, I can make a powerful prayer to you again. Amen.” 
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Prayer For Difficult Times

Prayer is something that we need to make all the time, especially in times of difficulty. It is the answer to all our worries and troubles in this world. Here, we have listed some prayers that you can make in difficult times. 

  • “Dear Lord, I ask for your favor upon my life by granting me strength to face whatever challenges that life may throw towards me. Allow me to remain steadfast in the face of all hardships and face all difficulties with perseverance. Amen”
Prayer For Difficult Times
Prayer For Difficult Times
  • “Oh Divine Lord, may your love always be upon us. Grant my family the strength to face all hardships with grace. Let them persist and go past the hurdles that come in their lives and, move beyond them and excel in spheres of life. Amen.”
  • “Heavenly Father, thank you for your unrelenting love and faithfulness, direction, and guidance for me and my family. Thank you for showing me the light in times of difficulty and distress. We humbly thank you for freeing us of all sorts of uneasiness and reminding us that you are the ultimate source of all help. May your light always shine brightly upon us. Amen.”
  • I make this prayer today to ask god to bless us with strength and vigor to overcome all the worldly challenges and hardships that I may be faced with. May the lord make it easy for me and help me overcome these hardships. Amen.”
Prayer For Difficult Times
Prayer For Difficult Times
  • “Dear Lord, I pray for myself and my family that you may grant us the courage to stand strong in the face of hardships and overcome them. May you give us a positive mindset. Amen.” 
See also  Healing Prayer For My Sister


Why Should I Pray With My Family in the Morning?

You should pray with your family in the morning so that you may remain in Lord’s presence and guidance throughout the day. Our prayers become more powerful and effective once we start praying with all our family members.

If you have small children, it would be a great opportunity for you to share your worries with God and allow your children to watch and learn from this process.

Doing a Powerful Morning Prayers for My Family will allow you to put your concentration on God and His capability to safeguard and watch over you and your affairs. 

How Should We Pray as a Family in the Morning?

There are numerous ways in which you can pray as a family and there’s no right or wrong one. The ideal way to start off with your “Powerful Morning Prayersfor My Family” is by praying together at the breakfast table. You can take a moment to focus on the matters that are at the back of your mind and make a prayer for them.

After making some general prayers, you can go beyond and pray for specific needs that you may have. If you have children with you who are not old enough to make their own prayers, you can make short or partial sentences and have them repeat those after you. One should make it a routine to start every brand new day with a morning prayer along with their family. 

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