Short prayers for a peaceful death

Short Prayers For a Peaceful Death

Death is an inevitable truth. Just as we know fact that everyone is brought into this world by the will of our lord god, everyone shall also return back to Him when the time comes. It is not in our hands that we get to decide when our lives will end, but what we can do is that we send our good wishes and make a short prayer of death for a loved one. Here we have listed down for you a variety of short prayers for a peaceful death that you can say for your loved ones, for their peace and comfort in the hereafter, and pray that they may be blessed by the heavenly father’s grace and mercy. 

Short Prayers for a Peaceful Death Quotes

To pray for a peaceful passing is highly eminent to show our loved ones our support in their hour of need. In order to make this easy for you, we have compiled some short prayers for a peaceful death that you can make for your loved one. 

  • “May our loved one be surrounded by love, warmth, and tranquility and they have a harmonious passage from this world into the next. Amen.”
Short prayers for a peaceful death Quotes
Short prayers for a peaceful death Quotes
  • “May the souls of our loved ones be guided towards the right path and they feel the presence of dear God and of their loved ones who have passed earlier. Amen.”
  • “May our loved one lie in Lord’s mercy and grace eternally and may they be granted an eternal house in heaven. Amen.”
Short prayers for a peaceful death Quotes
Short prayers for a peaceful death Quotes
  • “May this transition be an easier one for this dying person and may he pass without any pain or discomfort. And let them find a feeling of tranquility and holy spirit in their passing. Amen.”

Powerful Prayers for a Peaceful Death

Hour of Our Death reminds us of the hard-hitting reality that our life in this world is just temporary and we are bound to leave this world at one point. Here we are listing down some short powerful prayers that you can make for the peaceful passing of your loved one as they are nearing the end of their life. 

  • “Oh gracious lord, we pray for our beloved one who is in their final ailment, to grant them a peaceful life after death so that it may bring comfort to them as well as those who are related to them. Amen.”
Powerful Prayers For a Peaceful Death
Powerful Prayers For a Peaceful Death
  • “Dear lord of compassion, we pray for our dear friend who is nearing the end of their life that they may be to set straight all their religious as well as worldly affairs before death. We pray that you allow them to straighten their affairs with you and, also enable them to make provisions available for their family members and sort out all financial matters beforehand. Amen.”
  • “Oh lord of heaven and earth, we pray for the dying person that they shall pass away peacefully and have no fear in their hearts about the dying process. May they leave all worries behind and fervently await their meeting with you in the hereafter. Amen.”
Powerful Prayers For a Peaceful Death
Powerful Prayers For a Peaceful Death
  • “Oh our savior lord, we make divine prayers for our dying friend to find comfort in the fact that death is merely a peaceful transition from a temporary abode to an eternal one. Allow this person to find peace in the fact that he will no longer witness sickness, grief, or sorrow in life and death and hereafter. Amen”
  • “Oh Merciful lord, provide comfort to our friend whose in physical discomfort. Allow him to acknowledge the fact as he lies in the shadow of death and would, eventually, enter into a deep sleep. He will find himself under your love and grace as he opens his eyes in heaven. Amen.”
Powerful Prayers For a Peaceful Death
Powerful Prayers For a Peaceful Death

Short Prayers for a Peaceful Death of Family Member

Having a family is one of the greatest blessings of our Lord. Therefore losing a loved one is never easy, especially when it is a family member. Consequently, we have provided you with a list of prayers for a peaceful death you can make for someone who is dying. 

  • Oh Almighty, hear my prayer as I plead to you to shower this person who is nearing death, with your abundant blessings. May you grant this person a peaceful passing and absolve them of any sins, major or minor, they might have committed in this world. Amen.”
Short Prayers for a Peaceful Death of Family Member
Short Prayers for a Peaceful Death of Family Member
  • “May they lie in peaceful serenity as they are drawn closer to god. May their souls be in amity, knowing that they are surrounded by angels and death has been swallowed up by Dominion. Amen.”
Short Prayers for a Peaceful Death of Family Member
Short Prayers for a Peaceful Death of Family Member
  • “Oh Divine being, relieve this person of all the worries of the world and grant him a peaceful death. Shower this person with your eternal blessings for he/she trusted in you to grant them an abode where they enjoy perpetual bliss. Amen.”
Short Prayers for a Peaceful Death of Family Member
Short Prayers for a Peaceful Death of Family Member

Condolence, Loss, and Sympathy Prayers

When the news comes that a loved one is about to pass away, that’s the time when the family requires a great deal of emotional support. If you are looking for prayers for condolence, loss, and sympathy, we have listed some short ones for you below. 

  • “May the light of our dear lord shine upon you in this time of gloom and grief. May the void that is created by the departure of a loved one always be filled with love. Amen”
Condolence, Loss, and Sympathy Prayers
Condolence, Loss, and Sympathy Prayers
  • “We pray that in this time of loss, may your hearts be filled with God’s love and that you may find comfort in knowing that God is with you in this dark time. May your heart be filled with peace knowing that you are in Lord’s heavenly embrace. Amen”
Condolence, Loss, and Sympathy Prayers
Condolence, Loss, and Sympathy Prayers
  • “Bless them who grieve, dear Lord, the death of their loved one. Let them have lighthearted thoughts of their loved ones, and their lives be enveloped by your love. Amen.”
Condolence, Loss, and Sympathy Prayers
Condolence, Loss, and Sympathy Prayers

Short Prayers for a Peaceful Death for a Friend 

Friends are like the family that we choose by ourselves. Therefore, just like losing a family member isn’t easy, it’s the same for friends. So, we are providing you with a prayer so that your friends may find peace and rest in their departure from this world to the next. 

  • “Oh lord of peace, give our friend peace and give them comfort as they are in their final days. Make this intercession for our dear ones easy and make them die without pain and rest in your final healing. May the family of the one dying find perfect peace knowing that their loved one will be going to a better place as they die. Amen.”
Short Prayers for a Peaceful Death for a Friend
Short Prayers for a Peaceful Death for a Friend

Short Prayers for a Peaceful Death for Wife/ Husband

Marriage is a beautiful bond that is shared by two people and it only breaks when either one of them departs the world. Since the grief of losing a spouse is such a heavy one, we have shared with you that you can make either husband or wife so that their soul may find comfort and bring peace in their eternal abode. 

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For Wife

  • “Oh dear one, as her soul may rest in peace, we ask you to grant her strength and fortitude, as she nears the end of life, to confront her last days with poise and refinement. Amen.” 
Short Prayers for a Peaceful Death for Wife
Short Prayers for a Peaceful Death for Wife
  • “Heavenly Father, we implore you to fill her heart and mind with jubilant thoughts about the life she has lived and of those whom she has affected. Amen.” 
Short Prayers for a Peaceful Death for Wife
Short Prayers for a Peaceful Death for Wife

For Husband

  • “Heavenly Father, I come to you in this time of melancholy and sadness and ask that you give my husband’s soul peace and comfort as he transitions from this world to eternal life in the hereafter. Amen”
Short Prayers for a Peaceful Death for Husband
Short Prayers for a Peaceful Death for Husband
  • “Oh lord of the worlds, I implore you to embrace my husband in your endless love and care and let it be known to him he will always feel secure under your blessings. Amen.”
Short Prayers for a Peaceful Death for Husband
Short Prayers for a Peaceful Death for Husband


1- How To Pray for a Peaceful Death?

In order to pray for someone for a peaceful death, one should always pray that their loved one has a peaceful passing without any pain or discomfort from this world into the next one. One should pray that the souls of their loved one may be surrounded by the love of the Lord, their family, and friends who are living as well as those who have passed earlier on. 

3- What is a good prayer for someone dying?

“Oh benevolent lord, we stand in prayer before you asking you to absolve this dying person of their sins. Through death, you have granted this person eternal life in your heavenly abode. Let this person not be separated from you but by your glory, give them light, bliss, and tranquility in heaven which is your eternal abode. Amen.”


In this article, we have provided you with a list of short prayers for a peaceful death that you can make for a person who is dying. In this article, you will find short quotes of prayers for a peaceful death, you can find prayers for the death of a husband/wife, or a family member. We have also provided you with a list of powerful prayers for a peaceful death, use these prayers and share them with your family. We hope that you may find this article beneficial for you. 

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