Thank You For Making Me Smile

Thank You For Making Me Smile

Yes!  Thank You For Making Me Smile!

Yes! Thank You For Making Me Smile!
Yes!  Thank You For Making Me Smile!

Greetingsays is proud to present this fun and enlightening article about being thankful for making you smile!  In this blog, ‘Thank You for Making Me Smile’ is presented to make us feel encouraged, inspired and simply to feel better about ourselves. 

Discover the ‘magic’ of why smiling has such a powerful impact upon us and our well-being. Greetingsays will share with you various types of quotes, affirmations and heartfelt messages.  These will include ‘keeping a smile quotes’, ‘you made my day quotes’, ‘you make me smile quotes’, ‘quotes about a smile and happiness’ and ‘messages to send to someone who is sad’.:

“Smile and the World Smiles With You!”

“Smile and the World Smiles With You!”
“Smile and the World Smiles With You!”

To make us feel better, we smile, right?  And yet, we don’t always stop to think about the impact our smiles have on other people.  

You’ve probably heard the saying, “smile and the world smiles with you,” and while it may seem simple enough, it truly works.

When we smile at someone, we are saying that we are happy to see them and that they are important to us. This makes them feel special and loved. Why should you care? Because a happy person is more likely to be helpful and kind. So why not make an effort to look happier every day?

Why do we smile at all? Because we are wired to do so. We smile because it feels good. But why does it feel good? Because smiling is one of the most powerful nonverbal communication signals you can send.

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Why Smiling is so Good for Us!

Why Smiling is so Good for Us!
Why Smiling is so Good for Us!

Here are some great points to ponder in understanding why smiling is so good for us!

 ➤ You can’t force someone to smile, but you can make them feel loved.

 ➤ In the movie, Good Will Hunting, Sean Penn’s character Will Hunting is struggling with depression and has given up on life. He finds his smiley side through therapy and learns to be more positive. It really works!

 ➤  A smile costs nothing and gives so much.

 ➤ Smiling makes people feel good about themselves, and that makes us feel good about them.

 ➤ Just like a person, your company or product needs a little TLC, too. You don’t have to go to the salon or spa to get a beautiful smile; you can do it yourself by smiling at the mirror every morning.

 ➤ You may not be able to change the weather, but you can change your mood. Start each day with a smile.

Quotes to Make You Smile

16 Quotes That Make Us Smile:

1. “Smile.  Keep Smiling… Share Your Smile With Everyone You Meet!” – Beth Elkassih

2. “I am grateful for every single moment of my life.” – Oprah Winfrey

3. “Smile and the world smiles with you.” – Unknown

4. “You have just made someone very happy today, even if you didn’t mean to.” – Unknown

5. “If I could find the secret of happiness, I would share it with everyone.” – Albert Schweitzer

6. “Smile. Life is beautiful.” – Unknown

7. “We should smile at each other; because we know that there are a lot of people in the world who don’t have a smile on their face, and we want to be one of them.” – Unknown

8. “When I am not smiling, you can see that I am frowning.” – Unknown

9. “It is so easy to be unhappy. Happiness comes from within. It is a choice.” – Unknown

10. “I think of myself as a happy person. There are so many times when I would rather be depressed than happy. But I feel like I am in control of my happiness.” – Unknown

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11. “The secret of happiness is not found in seeking more, but in developing the capacity to enjoy less.” – Socrates

12. “We must all learn to smile. Smiling is contagious. You don’t have to be happy or sad. Just be kind.” – Unknown

13. “If you look at the world with an appreciative eye you will find something new every day.” – Henry David Thoreau

14. “Smile and the world smiles with you.” – Unknown

15. “Laughter is good for the soul.” – Beth Elkassih

16. The World Is Full of People Who Are Smiling Because They Have Something to Smile About.” – Henry Ward Beecher

What Happens When We Smile

What Happens When We Smile
What Happens When We Smile

1. When you smile at a stranger, it can create a positive effect in their life, even if they don’t know it.

2. When you smile, it makes people feel better about themselves and less lonely.

3. If you smile to a person, you’ll be amazed at what it does to them.

4. Smiling brightens your face and increases oxygen flow.

5. People who smile are perceived as more trustworthy.

6. Smiling has a direct effect on our brains.

7. Smiling changes our brain chemistry to improve memory, concentration, and creativity.

8. Smiling increases the amount of dopamine in your brain.

9. Smiling releases endorphins in the body and increases our sense of well-being.

10. Smiling creates an immediate mood shift in any situation.

11. Smiling makes people like you and want to work with you.

12. Smiling causes our bodies to release oxytocin, which can calm us down and make us feel relaxed.

13. Smiling is contagious.

14. The best way to get someone to smile is to force them to.

15. People who smile are perceived as more likable and trustworthy.

16. When you smile, it definitely will make you happier.

What Makes You Laugh?

What Makes You Laugh?
What Makes You Laugh?

What makes you laugh? Is it your friends, your family, or your job? Maybe it’s your pets. Whatever it is, you should try to laugh as much as you can. It is good for your health. If you don’t laugh, you will feel sad and depressed. That is why it is important to laugh a lot. It helps you to be happy.

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Sometimes it is hard to see the humor in life. But, if you can laugh at yourself and others, it will do wonders for your self-esteem and your relationships. 

More Quotes About A Smile and Happiness

More Quotes About A Smile and Happiness
More Quotes About A Smile and Happiness

 “Smile and the world smiles with you”

 “Smiling is contagious”

“Laughter is the best medicine”

“Laughing is good for the heart”

 “Smiling makes the world a better place”

“The sun shines brighter when you smile”

 “Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle”

 “Smile more”

 “It’s a beautiful thing”

 “It’s a good day to be alive”

 “Smile and you’ll have the whole world smiling back”

 “Smile and you can make a better person”

 “Smile and the world smiles with you”

 “Smile and you’ll be on the right side of history”

“Smile and you’ll find happiness”

“Smile and it won’t matter what you say”

Thank You for Making Me Smile When I Am Sad

Thank You for Making Me Smile When I Am Sad
Thank You for Making Me Smile When I Am Sad

We all love to help others when they are sad. We are always happy to be able to do something nice for others. This is the reason why we try so hard to be a good person. 

We feel happy when we help other people. If you ever need someone to help you, you know exactly how great it makes you feel.  When you do it for others, you will feel the gladness of your soul when you do it.

We all should be very thankful for all the wonderful things that have happened to us in our lives.   We should be very happy and grateful to God/Allah for all the blessings He has given to us. 

We should be very thankful to all the people who are always there for us. We should be grateful for all our friends and family, and appreciate the people who are always there to help us out. 

Thank you for Making Me Feel Better Messages

Thank you for Making Me Feel Better Messages
Thank you for Making Me Feel Better Messages

When we think about our family members, friends, and our teachers, we usually give them many thanks. We say things like “thank you” or “thank you very much”. We also say that we are happy to be with them. 

When you think about it, giving thanks is a very nice thing to do. When you say “thank you” or “thank you very much”, it makes others feel good. You should try saying thank you and giving thanks whenever you can. This is a great way to be a nice person.

Thank You Notes For Making Me Feel Special

Thank You Notes For Making Me Feel Special
Thank You Notes For Making Me Feel Special

Here are several ‘thank you notes or messages you can send to someone who made you feel better and made you feel special by receiving.

➤ I am very happy to hear that you are feeling better. I hope that you are having a nice day and you are feeling good. I would also like to tell you that your efforts to have a good day are appreciated. I hope that you can continue to feel better in the future.

➤ Many of my friends have been very supportive of me. Thank you especially for the support and the encouragement. If you have any problems, you can talk to me. I will help you in any way that I can.

➤ I actually can not tell you how special you actually made me feel today with your kind message. I am so very thank full for all that you have actually done for me. 

➤ All these very efforts of yours actually deserve so much more appreciation as well as thankfulness, for you actually made me smile by how special you made me feel.

➤ This very surprise of yours was actually so very unexpected but being so much more honest it was so very amazing as well as beautiful. Thankfulness for all that you actually did to make me feel so very special and for making me smile again!

What Facebook & Twitter Say

What Facebook & Twitter Say
What Facebook & Twitter Say

When asked what makes people happiest, the answers are nearly always different. A recent survey which was done on Facebook and Twitter asked this question.

Some people say their family, some say their friends, some say their job, but for most of us, the single most important element of a person’s happiness is simply… That They Make Me Laugh! We’re not talking about occasional chuckles either. We’re talking about belly laughs that result from a situation where something is so absurd, so out of sync with reality, that it triggers a convulsive, spasmodic fit of giggles.

People who can make you laugh do it in a million ways. Sometimes it’s the obvious joke told in an obvious way. Other times it’s the clever turn of phrase that makes us smile. Sometimes it’s the absurdity of a situation. And often, it’s just the fact that someone is so out of left-field, so completely and refreshingly weird, that it reminds us that we are, in fact, walking around among very strange and wonderful creatures.

7 Ways People Make Us Smile and Laugh

7 Ways People Make Us Smile and Laugh
7 Ways People Make Us Smile and Laugh

1. When someone says something in a serious tone of voice and then bursts into laughter at the precise moment they see the humor in the situation.

2. When people repeat something I’ve said or done out of context. “Oh yeah? Well, I never said that!”

3. When someone is so transparently trying to impress me with their wisdom that I can see right through them and they make me laugh anyway. (See above about not being impressed.)

4. When people brag about something I don’t have. “Hey Joe, guess what? I just got a brand new Porsche!”

5. When someone does or says something I consider to be dumb and then they say, “Oh, I was just kidding.”

6. When someone mispronounces a word or an acronym or just gets something wrong in general. “Did you know the CIA is actually the C.I.A.?” (It’s the Central Intelligence Agency. Get it straight, would you?)

7. When someone is so transparently and unintentionally trying to impress me that they inadvertently make me laugh. 

In Conclusion

‘Thank You for Making Me Smile’ was a fun blog to present! Here’s hoping this post helps bring a lasting smile to you.  We hope you found some of these quotes and affirmations that resonated with you.  By doing so, when the next time you’re having a not-such-a-good-day, you can always go back and reread.

And finally, reiterating what was stated earlier, remember… “smile and the world smiles with you,” and while it may seem simple enough, it truly works.  

Thank You For Making Me Smile!

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